Amber Sim asked me to post this recipe so I'm gonna. The sauce involves wine but you cook it until it's almost gone, in case anyone feels strongly about not cooking with alcohol.
2 tbsp sun-dried tomatoes, no oil, minced (I soak them in water for a few minutes to
make them easier to chop.)
2 oz. soft-type goat cheese
1 tsp. fresh thyme, chopped
1 pound uncooked boneless, skinless chicken breasts, four 4 ounce pieces
1/8 tsp table salt or to taste
1/8 tsp black pepper, or to taste
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 cup dry white wine*
1 tbsp corn starch
1 cup fat-free chicken broth
1 tbsp canned tomato paste
In a small bowl, stir together sun-dried tomatoes, goat cheese and thyme.
Using a sharp paring knife, cut a horizontal slit through the thickest part of each chicken breast, creating a pocket. Be careful not to cut all the way through.
Spray a large nonstick skillet with olive oil cooking spray and warm over high heat. Add chicken and brown well. Remove and set aside.
Add white wine to pan and boil until almost all evaporated.
Meanwhile, in a small bowl, stir together cornstarch and 2 tablespoons chicken broth until smooth. Whisk cornstarch mixture, remaining chicken broth and tomato paste into white wine.
Return chicken breasts to pan. Bring to a summer, cover and cook over low heat until chicken is cooked through, about ten minutes. Baste occasionally with sauce.
*I don't know anything about wine so I asked some guy who works at Albertson's what to get. At the end of the wine aisle they have little mini bottles that don't quite equal a cup but it's enough to make the sauce. He said to get a chardonnay so I did and it only costs about $3.
5 points a serving
Posted by Melanie J.